Community Extension

Community Extension

St. Paul, our Patron, writes, “So faith, hope, love remain, these three: but the greatest of these is love.” (Cor. 13:13) and in Matthew 25:34 ff, Jesus says “come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, you gave me food, I was thirsty, you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”

These verses guide the CES in providing opportunities for students to put love into action to render services to others, to deeply integrate and live the truths of the Catholic faith they learn in the Religious Education classes – truths that are celebrated in the prayer and sacrament rooted in God’s word. It is loving service and compassionate caring that would gauge how much the students really have learned and understood the call of faith by active participation in the outreach programs of the school, in their respective parishes, in the partner Community Extension Services (CES) communities in public schools and charitable institutions covered by the CES program of the Christian Formation. The students are led to become true servant – leaders, following the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the Master, the Lord and Savior.

Contact Information:
Mrs. Ma. Juvy Gemora
Coordinator, TESDA
St. Paul University Iloilo
Tel. No.: (033) 336-9289/338-1044 local 1171