Paulinian Core Values


  • Christ-centeredness: Christ is the center of Paulinian Life; he/she follows and imitates, doing everything in reference to Him.

The KEYSTONE of the core values without which the other 4 values would be meaningless.

  • Charism: The Paulinian develops his/her gifts/talents to be put in the service of the community, but he/she strives to grow and improve daily, always seeking the better and finer things, and the final good.
  • Community:  The Paulinian is a responsible family member and citizen, concerned with building communities, promotion of people, justice, and peace, and the protection of the environment. Disciples of Jesus Christ with whom we can share our Charism, the different gifts we have been endowed with.
  • Commission: By our baptism in Christ, we commit ourselves to carry His mission of liberation. The responsibility to carry out our mission as Christians first of all and, secondly, as Paulinians.
  • Charity:  Urged on by the love of Christ, the Paulinian is warm, hospitable, and “all to all”, especially to the underprivileged. The motivating force that powers every step taken and every decision made by a Paulinian even in difficult and challenging situations.

At the heart of Paulinian education, in forming the whole person, is Formation in Faith and in Paulinian Spirituality.

The driving force in the life of every Paulinian: “Caritas Christi Urget Nos.”