Last September 12 – 13, 2012 the College of Nursing celebrated the Clan Day held at the University Multipurpose Hall with the Theme: “Transforming the Past, Shaping the Future.” The first of the celebration started with a paraliturgy and opening remarks given by Sr. Carolina Agravante, SPC, University President and Dean of the College of Nursing. A mob dance was then participated by the students accordingly with their respective clans in which they are randomly clustered into 5 groups namely: Una the Explorer (Clan 1), Au2psy (Clan 2), En3preneurs (Clan 3), In4red (Clan 4) and Cincomanders (Clan 5) accompanying the song “Isigaw Mo, Paulinian Ako.” It is then preceded by the following activities: Cheering (Torrette’s), Novelty dance (Akathisia), Dubbing (Dysprosody), and the Hip – hop Competition (Choreoathetosis) and parlor games. The second day began with the presentation of the Academic and Non – Academic Awardees. It was packed with mental and physical activities fused in the quiz bee entitled, “Great Minds Think Alike.” And the flow of the event was hyped as the Battle of the Bands: P – Factor was officially opened. It was highlighted by the stage – breaking performances and concert – like ambience as the students showcase their talents. The excitement and joy was heightened as the clinical instructors showed their complete transformation in terms of musicality as they render a wonderful production number. The activity was concluded with the awarding ceremony in which the En3preneurs (Clan 3) triumphantly won as the champion in this momentous event.