More Fruitful and Green Years To Come for SPUI


On July 31, St. Paul University Iloilo (SPUI) renewed its partnership with the Department of Agriculture Region 6 (DA R6) through MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) signing at SPUI Instructional Media Center at ten in the morning. The signing was done by Sr. Carolina Agravante, SPC, University President; Ms. Sharon Mendoza, Head of the Science Department; and, Dr. Corazon Arroyo, Manager of Agricultural Research. Three other guests from the DA served as witnesses.


SPUI has partnered with the DA since July 9, 2011 with the objective of developing SPUI Ticud Campus into an agricultural laboratory for Paulinians. This partnership paved way in helping SPUI promote agricultural development and crop production towards sustainable and scientific agro-industry. This renewed partnership will once again open opportunities for SPUI to agricultural technologies which could benefit the SPUI Paulinian Family.


The last two-year partnership with the DA led to the accomplishment of rice field demo farm, banana tissue culture demo farm, organic fertilizer production through vermiculture, agri-techno sessions, soil sampling, and tree planting projects. Dr. Corazon Arroyo expressed her happiness for the numerous achievements SPUI attained due to the partnership.


Moreover, this renewed partnership was greeted with promise. Dr. Arroyo gave the certificate of turnover of 25 heads, which mentions the DA’s provision of 25 native chickens for farming purposes. Apart from this, this renewed partnership may eventually and hopefully lead to the establishment of a nursery and the production of more vegetables—two of the many more projects to come.


The event was facilitated by the Science Department of the College of Arts and Sciences with the guidance of its dean, Mrs. Jieza Napone. The Science Department was led by Ms. Sharon Mendoza  in organizing the event which was participated by the University Research Department, faculty from different colleges, deans of some colleges, the representatives of the DA, and Sr. Carolina Agravante, SPC.


The guests from the DA R6 include Dr. Corazon Arroyo, Mrs. Anelyn Hapiton, and the two planning staff, Mrs. Marina Parcia and Mrs. Merlin Adolacion.


Sr. Carolina, in behalf of the SPUI Family, extends her gratitude towards DA R6 for their support in making SPUI Ticud Campus a green campus. SPUI is truly looking forward to two more fruitful and green-filled years!


Paulinian Scholars News Group (PNSG)