Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp 2024

The Paulinian Student Leaders were gathered together to establish the newest committees that will create transformation in the landscape of student activities in the university. These committees will define the different aspects of development like academics, Socio-cultural, spiritual and physical all through the year.

Day 1 of the Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp held at the Marian Theatre, June 19, 2024.

The Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp started with Sr. Teresita Baricaua, SPC, the university President giving a message to all the Paulinian Leaders at the Marian Theatre.

Innovation at its finest.

The Paulinian Academic community welcomed Apple Philippines during the Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp at the Marian Theatre today, June 19, 2024.

Day 2 of the Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp, June 20, 2024.

The Paulinian Student Leaders conducted an interactive workshop with the kids with the university’s adopted communities focused on Spiritual, Socio-cultural, physical and academics.

Day 3 of the Summer Paulinian Leaders’ Camp, June 21, 2024.

The day started with Team Building Activities headed by iLEAD Trainings Iloilo.

All that started well ended well. The camp was capped by the team building activities conducted by iLEAD Trainings.

The four (4) committees were able to create a team that will cohesively work together towards a common goal which will be beneficial to the greater good of the university.