Paulinians, graduating students and undergraduates (Grade 11, 12, First, Second, Third and Fourth Year College Students) start preparing your portfolios and gather pertinent papers with signatures to validate your application for your awards. Awards will be given to those who can submit the forms on deadline with much needed papers to support your application. No application, no award system is practiced. Download the form from the code presented in the poster and fill it in with data. There must be one set of form for every award that you are applying for.
Deadline of submission of forms is set on April 12, 2025. Please pass it to the Office of Student Affairs and Services through Miss Mia Torres.
All application forms and supporting documents must be placed in a short file folder following the color codes. Incomplete data will not be accepted and processed.
Senior High School – White
CON, CRS – Green
Break a leg, Paulinians!