Reindyl Malijan: Between Stacks and Shores

By: Isla Abonales and Reese Alessandra Lo
STEPS Program, Creative Writing

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Sir Reindyl Malijan, a 22 year old library staff, has dreamt of having this job as to why it leads to him being so passionate about it. He has also found the perfect balance between his professional and his personal life. As a librarian responsible for periodicals and technical work, Sir Reindyl thrives in an environment where organization, precision, and dedication are practiced. Seemingly though that his work revolves around shelves and cataloging, his heart also longs for exploration, specifically in nature. His love for exploring beaches, snorkeling, and nature trips compliments his methodical nature, giving him the freedom to step away from the city life and embrace the beauty of nature.

He takes pride in learning new skills, most especially after his win in a Sign language story telling contest that was a surprising and fulfilling achievement. Sir Reindyl handles criticism with professionalism, he views constructive criticism as a way to improve and help himself more. A great way to take advice and make changes in one’s personality. His open-mindedness has allowed him to adapt, even faced with tasks outside his usual scope.

His strengths also varied with his interests. As a librarian, he’s not only organized but also honest. He values balance in his work life so that it won’t overshadow his personal growth. However, like most of us, Sir Reindyl’s also has weaknesses such as being shy and easily irritated. Despite that, he finds solace in alone time using it to rethink and reflect. His adaptability is truly impressive, just like how his friends describe him as a “chameleon” because he is able to adjust not only to any situation but also to the people around.

His journey here at St. Pauls University Iloilo, made him grow a lot. Unexpectedly doing something he hasn’t learned before and how he also adapted pretty quickly with the culture here in St. Paul as a Paulinian. This shows of Sir Reindyl’s passion for life — whether it may be at the stacks of books or beyond the shores— it truly shows how fulfillment comes from striking a balance between order and spontaneity, between discipline and adventure.

Ending this with a text that Sir Reindyl read, “ One mistake is equivalent for a consequence and one success is equivalent to a sacrifice”.

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